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Non-Linear-Movement Mehtod

 In Englisch

About the Method:

The Non-Linear Movement Method® (NLMM) is a powerful somatic method developed by Michaela Boehm over the past 2 decades of instruction and practice.

The method is rooted in her early training in a Kashmiri Shakta Tradition and fused with her extensive expertise in working with trauma, emotional closures, and physical contractions in her clients and students; as well as in implementing this technique in her own practice.


Non-linear-Movement-Method Stunden finden im zwei Wochen Rhythmus in Eichstätt in der *** statt

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 In Englisch

Intimität und Anziehung

About the Workshop:

The Intimacy and Attraction Workshop® is a set of techniques and exercises for inviting presence, connecting through the heart, and exploring the play of masculine and feminine for strong sexual polarity. This potent set of tools will enable you to accurately, cleanly, and powerfully explore the realms of sexual polarity and heartful connection in your own life and with others. The material serves as a means to radically deepen your personal understanding of your own journey, as well as furnish you with the tools to guide others.


Workshops zum Thema Intimität und Anziehung finden im zwei Wochen Rhythmus in Eichstätt in der *** statt

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Psychologische Beratung, Körperpsychotherapie, Körperarbeit, Grinberg Method, Online Beratung, Samuel Harder

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